How do you simplify the expression [(z−2)2]3 using the properties? Algebra Exponents and Exponential Functions Exponential Properties Involving Quotients 1 Answer landon3 · Parabola Feb 2, 2018 1z12 Explanation: First, z−n=1zn So it becomes [1z22]3 Becuase 1n=1 and (ab)n=anbn And (ab)c=abc Makes the equation [1z4]3 Using the last three again, we get 1z12 Answer link Related questions What is the quotient of powers property? How do you simplify expressions using the quotient rule? What is the power of a quotient property? How do you evaluate the expression (2233)3? How do you simplify the expression a5b4a3b2? How do you simplify (a3b4a2b)3 using the exponential properties? How do you simplify (3ab)2(4a3b4)3(6a2b)4? Which exponential property do you use first to simplify (2a2bc2)(6abc3)4ab2c? How do you simplify x5y8x4y2? How do you simplify [23⋅−3224⋅3−2]2? See all questions in Exponential Properties Involving Quotients Impact of this question 1719 views around the world You can reuse this answer Creative Commons License