Question #9b1a4

2 Answers
Feb 14, 2018



You have to multiply. The density equation is


Solving for #m#, we find that


So, we can clearly see that we have to multiply.


I converted my answer to #kg# since the number for #g# is too big.


So, the cloud's mass will be #500,000kg#.

Feb 14, 2018

#"Mass" = 5 * 10^8 "g"#


First let's look at the Density Formula:

#"Density" = "Mass"/"Volume"#

We are given two of these variables so therefore we can figure out the third variable. Let's input the variables we know:

#(0.5"g")/(1"m"^3) = "Mass"/(10^9"m"^3)#

Solve for Mass by multiplying by #10^9# on both sides:

#(10^9"m"^3 * 0.5 "g")/ (1"m"^3) = "Mass"#

The cubic meters cancel out:

#10^9 * 0.5 "g" = "Mass"#


#"Mass" = 500,000,000"g"# or #500,000 "kg"#

Side Note:

For numbers greater than 10,000 it is recommend that they are written in Scientific Notation.

So the answer can be written as #5 * 10^8 "g"#