Question #57bb0

2 Answers
Feb 15, 2018

#y# = #315# / #x#


When Y varies inversely as x, we can express the relationship of such by:

#y# = #k# / #x#

Hence, substituting your values of x and y can give the value of the constant k.

#45# = #k# / #7#

So, #k#= #315#

Now that the value of k is known.
Overall, the equation would be:

#y# = #315# / #x#

The question would usually give you a value of #x# or #y# to solve for the other unknown.

Feb 15, 2018



#"the initial statement is "yprop1/x#

#"to convert to an equation multiply by k the constant"#
#"of variation"#

#rArry=kxx1/x=k/xlarrcolor(blue)"k is the constant of variation"#

#"to find k use the given condition"#

#y=45" when "x=7#


#"equation is " color(red)(bar(ul(|color(white)(2/2)color(black)(y=315/x)color(white)(2/2)|)))#