What are the asymptote(s) and hole(s), if any, of f(x)= (2-e^(x))/(3x-2xe^(x/2))?
1 Answer
Vertical Asymptotes: x=0,
Horiziontal Asymptotes: y = 0
Oblique Asymptotes: None
Holes: None
I'll start with the easy part: The Vertical Asymptotes
To solve for those you set the denominator equal to zero as a number over zero is undefined. So:
Then we factor out an x
So one of the vertical asymptotes is x = 0. So if we solve the next equation.
Then divide by -2:
Finally, we take the natural log of both sides as a means of canceling out the exponent:
So on the left, we are left with
So this final zero is
So now that we've established that, the rest is easy. Because the numerator doesn't divide into the denominator, there can't be an oblique asymptote. Also, the denominator has a larger degree than the numerator. And when you try to factor the denominator, as shown above, none of the factors match the numerator
Finally, to close off, we have a horizontal asymptote of y=0 because the
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