The first step is to make sure that all the decimals have the same number of places, so in this case, 33, since that is the highest number of places. Because 0.470.47 is only two decimal places, you must now add a 00 to make it 0.4700.470.
Now, you are left with the decimals 0.476, 0.486, and 0.4700.476,0.486,and0.470. Normally, you would look at the tenths place to see what is the smallest and what is the greatest, but since the tenths place of all the decimals is 44, you have to look at the hundredths place.
Since 77 comes before 88, you know that 0.4760.476 and 0.4700.470 are smaller than 4.864.86. But since their tenths place is the same, you must move onto the thousanths place of 0.4760.476 and 0.4700.470.
Because 00 is before 66, you now know the order of these decimals.
0.47, 0.476, 0.4860.47,0.476,0.486