The ratio of adults to children attending new exhibit at the museum 8:5. Based on this ratio, if 390 people attended one day, how many would be children?

1 Answer
Mar 21, 2018

150=amnt children visitors out of 390


#8+5=13# , 13=total amnt visitors in ratio

#5/13# (amnt children out of total visitors in proportion)

#5/13# = #x/390#

-in denominator, 13 and 390 are both total amount of visitors
-in numerator, 5 and x both represent total amount of children visitors, and x is what you are trying to find
-5 is to x as 13 is to 390

next step
cross multiply to find x, then simplify

#5(390)= 13x#

-divide both sides by 13

150=amnt children visitors out of 390