What is Arithmetic Mean?

2 Answers
Apr 1, 2018



when they tell you to find arthemetic mean, simply find the average. average is the sum of all numbers given over their quantity. e.g. : if you were to find your average in exams and your grades are 100, 98, and 96
your average is 100+98+963
which is 98

Apr 1, 2018

See below:


The arithmetic mean is an average.

This means that you find the "central value in a set of numbers".

Say I scored 89,90,96,and83 on some tests in school, and I wanted to calculate my average score.

I would add all of them together and divide by the number of scores that I was combining (which is 4, because I took four tests):




So 89.5 is my arithmetic mean score.