What is the oxidation number for Mo, Co, and Ne?
I know Neon will have an oxidation number of 0, but Mo and Co I am not sure of. On my periodic table, it says that Mo has oxidation numbers of 6,5,4,3, and 2, but the question just asks for the oxidation number not numbers. The same with Co. Thank you in advance.
I know Neon will have an oxidation number of 0, but Mo and Co I am not sure of. On my periodic table, it says that Mo has oxidation numbers of 6,5,4,3, and 2, but the question just asks for the oxidation number not numbers. The same with Co. Thank you in advance.
2 Answers
If it is in their elemental states, all are oxidation number of zero.
With Mo and Co, you have to figure out their oxidation number (in compounds) by referring to the cation they are paired with.
Straight up Mo and Co, however, as metals (elements), have oxidation numbers of zero. Same with neon.
Well, the oxidation states of ALL the elements are
But as transition metals, cobalt and molybdenum, could display oxidation states of