Rewrite the equation in a rotated x'y'-system without an x'y' term. Can I get some help? Thanks!
2 Answers
The second selection:
The given equation
is in the general Cartesian form for a conic section:
The reference Rotation of Axes give us equations that allow us to rotate a conic section to a specified angle,
Substituting the values from equation [1]:
Use equation (9.4.4b) to verify that new rotation causes the coefficient of the
Use equation (9.4.4a) to compute
Use equation (9.4.4c) to compute
Use Equation (9.4.4f) to compute
Now, we can write the unrotated form:
Divide both sides by 144:
Add 1 to both sides:
Option B
We can write the equation in matrix form and then spin it onto its principal axis.
And so in matrix form:
To rotate the axes
implies bbx = R^(-1) bbx^'
implies bb x^('^T) R = bb x^T
Putting these last 2 results into
IOW if R is the matrix that diagonalises M , then we have the equation in terms of its principal axes for diagonal eigenvector matrix D, ie:
D = R M R^(-1)
M 's eigenvalues are 36 and 16 so it can be diagonalised as: