How are non vascular plants, gymnosperms, and angiosperms all alike and different ?

1 Answer
Jun 5, 2018

Here are some quick easy ones.


All have chlorophyll and a sporophyte and gametophyte phase. All require root and root like structures, and can reproduce sexually.

Seedless vascular plants depend heavily on water. They don't have true roots or xylem and phloem. They are usually not sporophyte dominant. They are fern like and can be either homo or heterosporus. They fertilize via water,

Angiosperms and gymnosperms are sporphyte dominant and rely on pollination across distances. They are heterosporus.
Gymnosperms have secondary xylem and phloem, the cork cambium, the bark, and tough lignin. They have cones and cone seeds.
Anigiosperms have true roots, true xylem and phloem, fruits and flowers, nectar, various means of pollination other than cones and endosperm nourishment for the seed.