How do you multiply (7v+2)(5v−1)?
1 Answer
Use the FOIL Method
Explanation 1 (using words)
FOIL is a mnemonic for the standard method of multiplying binomials.
F irst ("first" terms of each binomial are multiplied together)
O uter ("outside" terms are multiplied—that is, the first term of the first binomial and the second term of the second)
I nner ("inside" terms are multiplied—second term of the first binomial and first term of the second)
L ast ("last" terms of each binomial are multiplied)
First, we must multiply the first terms of the two binomials, which are
Next, we must multiply the outer terms of the two binomials, which are
After this, we must multiply the inner terms of the two binomials, which are
Notice that the product of the Outer and Inner both end in
We're nearly complete, we already have
Last, we must multiply the outer terms of the two binomials, which are
Thus, our final answer is
Explanation 2