Product of Power Series
Key Questions
One example that I find useful is the use and manipulation of the products of power series to derive
e^(ix) = cosx + isinx , which is an identity used many, many times to solve the Schroedinger Equation in Physical Chemistry, by substitutingi for various different constants.
What is accepted by Physical Chemists is that you can write out the general solution to the Equation as:
y(x) = c_1 e^(alphax) + c_2 e^(-alphax) where
alpha = iomegat and, after various proofs and empirical tests, it is agreed that we can usee^(alphax) as a working "trial function" when we guess the form of the overall solution in terms of a finite addition of thesec*e^(alphax) functions so that we can predict molecular properties:psi(x) = sum_(i=1)^N c_i phi_i(x)
where eachphi could, for example, represent an atomic orbital, andpsi(x) would in that case be the molecular orbital.A common example of solving the time-dependent Schroedinger equation is (example 2-4 in Physical Chemistry: A Molecular Approach):
(d^2x(t))/(dt^2) + omega^2x(t) = 0 subject to the boundary conditions
x(0) = A and(dx(0))/(dt) = 0 . These boundary conditions define the fact that a stationary transverse wave with one antinode has two endpoints, and these are atx = 0 andx = l , half of the wavelength.To solve this one, one would have to use identity written at the top, with
alpha substituted fori like so:c_1e^(alphax) + c_2e^(-alphax) = c_1(cosx + alphasinx) + c_2(cosx - alphasinx) = c_1cosx + c_1alphasinx + c_2cosx - c_2alphasinx = (c_1 + c_2)cosx + (c_1alpha - c_2alpha)sinx and it is generally written out by absorbing the arbitrary constants
c_1 ,alpha , andc_2 into new arbitrary constantsc_3 andc_4 , withc_1 + c_2 = c_3 andc_1alpha - c_2alpha = c_4 := c_3cosx + c_4sinx Then, substituting
omegat forx , we get:c_3cos(omegat) + c_4sin(omegat) for the solution to the so-called common example.
Looking at the boundary condition
(dx(0))/(dt) = 0 , we get:= c_3(-sin(omegat))*omega + c_4cos(omegat)*omega = cancel(c_3(-sin(omega(0)))*omega)^(0) + c_4cos(omega(0))*omega = c_4omega But we know that at
t = 0 ,omega = 0 because time has not passed yet.=> c_4omega = 0 , thus satisfying the condition(dx(0))/(dt) = 0 .Using the
x(0) = A boundary condition we get:x(0) = c_3cos(omega(0)) + cancel(c_4sin(omega(0)))^(0) = c_3 with
c_3 taken asA ---which is the amplitude of an initialized stationary wave---since it is the only contributor to the wave. Thus, sincec_3 = A , we have satisfied the conditionx(0) = A , and we just have:color(blue)(x(t) = Acos(wt)) which is the familiar physics equation for a transverse wave, as depicted in the image above! :)
(sum_{n=0}^infty a_nx^n)cdot(sum_{n=0}^infty b_nx^n)=sum_{n=0}^infty(sum_{k=0}^na_kb_{n-k})x^n Let us look at some details.
(sum_{n=0}^infty a_nx^n)cdot(sum_{n=0}^infty b_nx^n) by writing out the first few terms,
=(a_0+a_1x+a_2x^2+cdots)cdot(b_0+b_1x+b_2x^2+cdots) by collecting the like terms,
=a_0b_0x^0+(a_0b_1+a_1b_0)x^1+(a_0b_2+a_1b_1+a_2b_0)x^2+cdots by using sigma notation,
Power Series
Introduction to Power Series
Differentiating and Integrating Power Series
Constructing a Taylor Series
Constructing a Maclaurin Series
Lagrange Form of the Remainder Term in a Taylor Series
Determining the Radius and Interval of Convergence for a Power Series
Applications of Power Series
Power Series Representations of Functions
Power Series and Exact Values of Numerical Series
Power Series and Estimation of Integrals
Power Series and Limits
Product of Power Series
Binomial Series
Power Series Solutions of Differential Equations