Graphing Trigonometric Functions with Translations and Asymptotes
Key Questions
The amplitude is the distance from the midline to the maximum or to the minimum (they are the same). For example,
y = sin(x) has an amplitude of 1 because the midline isy=0 and the max is 1.This can be found by finding the range of the function and dividing by two. (See if you can figure out why.)
By changing the "c" in your basic trigonometric equation.
The standard trig equation for sine is
y=a*sin[b(x-cpi)]+d . In this, the variablea represents the amplitude. The variableb represents the period ((2pi)/b = period). Now, the variablec represents what is known as the phase shift - more commonly known as a horizontal translation. You shift the graphcpi units from the original parent function, which in this case isy=sinx . Ifc is positive, shift the graph to the rightcpi unites. Ifc is negative, shift the graph to the leftcpi units.If you're wondering,
d represents the vertical translation.I hope this helps, and I'f strongly suggest going to google and typing in functions like
y=sin(x-2pi) and comparing them to the parent function,y=sinx .