Question #6367d

1 Answer
Dec 9, 2015

#color(green)( 4.9color(white)(.)"gallons used in 7 minutes")#


This is a ratio problem that is best solved in the format of: #a/b# rather than #a:b#

#color(blue)("I am also going to show you a cool trick about units of measurement.")##color(blue)("Did you know you can treat them the same way you")#
#color(blue)("do the numbers. This will give you the correct units to use for the")#

As we are looking to solve for water we use that as the numerator:

Let gallons be #color(blue)(g)#
Let time in minutes be #color(blue)(m)#
Let the unknown amount of water be #color(blue)(x)#

#("water used")/("time used") -> (color(brown)(16.8)color(blue)(g))/(color(brown)(24)color(blue)(m)) #

Write as :

#(color(brown)(16.8)color(blue)(g))/(color(brown)24color(blue)(m)) =(color(brown)(x))/(color(brown)(7)color(blue)(m)) #

#color(brown)( x=( 16.8xx7)/24 ) xx color(blue)( (gxxm)/m)#


#color(green)(x= 4.9g)#