An experiment calls for 5.50 L of sulfur dioxide at 0°C and 1.00 atm. What would the volume of this gas be at 30°C if the pressure remains constant?

1 Answer

You don’t need to use 1.00 atm when you have #0^@ "C"# since you also have #30^@ "C"#. It’s there to throw you off guard. Use Charles' Law, #V_1/T_1 = V_2/T_2#.


#V_1 = "5.50 L"#
#T_1 = 0^@ "C" + 273 = "273 K"#
#T_2= 30^@ "C" + 273 = "303 K"#

#(("5.50 L")("303 K")) / "273 K" = V_2 = "6.10 L"#