Find d²y/dx² in terms of t if x= (1-t²)/(1+t²) and y=t/(1+t²)?

2 Answers
Aug 25, 2015



First find dx/dt= ((1+t^2)(-2t)- (1-t^2)(2t))/(1+t^2)^2=(-4t)/(1+t^2)^2

dy/dt=(1(1+t^2)- t (2t))/(1+t^2)^2=(1-t^2)/(1+t^2)^2

This would give dy/dx=(1-t^2)/ (-4t)

Since y(1+t^2) = t and x(1+t^2) = 1-t^2, you get:

dy/dx=(xcancel((1+t^2)))/ (-4ycancel((1+t^2))) = x/(-4y)

(d^2y)/dx^2= (-4y -x(-4)dy/dx)/(16y^2)=(-4y+4xdy/dx)/(16y^2)


Aug 28, 2015

dy/dx= x/(-4y)


It is like this:

It was derived that dy/dx=(1-t^2)/(-4t).
Now, from the given equations, it is evident that 1-t^2= x(1+t^2) and
t= y(1+t^2). Hence,

dy/dx=(1-t^2)/(-4t)= (x(1+t^2))/(-4y(1+t^2))=x/(-4y)