For pentan-3-one why is the splitting pattern of the peak with greatest area in the high resolution nmr spectrum a triplet and not a quintet?

1 Answer
Mar 26, 2018

Well, you gots "diethyl ketone", "H"_3"CCH"_2"C(=O)CH"_2"CH"_3


There are TWO sets of protons observed in the ""^1H "NMR spectrum"....the methyl groups, which arise from the 6H of the methyl chain termini, and the 4H of the methylene protons. The methyl protons are coupled to the 2 methylene protons, and so we should see a triplet. And given this coupling the methylene protons should appear as a quartet...i.e. the 2n+1 for simple first order spectra.

As always, integration helps us to differentiate the signals....the most intense peak arises from the most numerous protons...the six methyl protons....versus the 4 methylene protons...i.e. a 3:2 integration ratio

How many signals would you see in the ""^13C{""^1H} "NMR spectrum"?


Please note for the better informed....yes I know that these protons are not magnetically equivalent...I am not going to open that can of worms here. You are welcome to do so, but this is probably a 2nd year question.

The ""^1H NMR spectrum of "diethyl ketone" was included at the kind suggestion and direction of Truong-Son N. ..many thx. The given spectrum does not include integration data, but we will have to bear that cross...