How do I compare sin 1^@ and sin1?

How do I compare sin 1^@ and sin1

1 Answer
Sep 23, 2017

sin1^@=0.0174524 and sin1=0.84147


There are three systems for measurement, namely

  1. Degree , where a circle is divided in 360 parts each part called 1 degree and written as 1^@. Each degree can be divided in 60 minutes and written as 60' and each minute in 60 seconds written as 1''. sin1^@=0.0174524

  2. Gradian , where a circle is divided in 400 parts each part called 1 grad and written as 1^g. Each gradian is divided into 100 grad minutes, and each centigrad into 100 grad seconds. This unit is rarely used. sin1^g=sin0.9^@=0.015707

  3. Radian, which divides circle in 2pi units. This unit in fact is related to arc size, where an angle of x radians makes an arc of rx length on the circle of radius r. We just write it as a number i.e. an angle 1 radian and is equal to (360/(2pi))^@=(180/pi)^@=57.29578^@ or (400/(2pi))^g=(200/pi)^g and sin1=sin(180/pi)^@=sin57.29578^@=0.84147