How to convert USD (United States Dollars) to Euro Currency?

If i have $12.87, how would i convert that to euros? And how much would that be?

1 Answer
Mar 9, 2018

#$12.87 =€10.46# to 2 decimal places


From the net 9-3-2018
Using the above values we have:

#color(blue)("Ratio in horizontal format of ratio:")#

#$: € =$1color(white)("."):color(white)(".")0.812652 €#

We need $12.87 so multiply both parts by that amount

#$1xx12.87color(white)(".") :color(white)(".") 0.812652€xx12.87#
#color(blue)("Ratio in fraction format ( I much prefer this approach )")#

#$/€ ->($1)/(€0.812652)#

For multiply or divide what you do to the top you also do to the bottom

#$/€ ->($1)/(€0.812652)-=($1xx12.87)/(€0.812652xx12.87#


Rounding to 2 decimal places we have:

#$12.87 =€10.46# to 2 decimal places