If a,b are real and a^2+b^2=1 then show that the equation {sqrt(1+x)-isqrt(1-x)}/{sqrt(1+x)+isqrt(1-x)}=a-ib is satisfy by a real value of x?


1 Answer
Jan 1, 2018

See below.


Using the facts

#u + i v = sqrt(u^2+v^2) e^(i phi)# with #phi = arctan(v/u)#
#e^(i phi) = cos phi + i sin phi#

we have

#(u-iv)/(u+iv) = e^(-2i phi) = cos 2phi - i sin 2 phi#

now calling

#a = cos 2 phi#
#b = sin 2 phi#
#u = sqrt(1+x)#
#v = sqrt(1-x)#

all the conditions are satisfied.

Another approach.


#u = sqrt(1+x)#
#v = sqrt(1-x)#

#(u-iv)/(u+iv) = (u-iv)^2/((u+iv)(u-iv)) = (u^2-v^2-2i u v)/(u^2+v^2)# or

#(1+x-(1-x)-2i sqrt(1-x^2))/(1+x+1-x) = (2x-2isqrt(1-x^2))/2 = x-i sqrt(1-x^2)#

so finally

#a = x# and #b = sqrt(1-x^2)#

is satisfied for all #abs x le 1#