Let #x, y#, and #z# be real numbers such that #x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = 1.# Find the maximum value of #9x+12y+8z.#?

1 Answer
May 21, 2017



The equation:


describes the unit sphere in #RR^3#.

The equation:

#9x+12y+8z = k#

describes a plane with normal vector #< 9, 12, 8 >#

The unit vector in the same direction is given by dividing by:

#||<9, 12, 8>|| = sqrt(9^2+12^2+8^2)#

#color(white)(||<9, 12, 8>||) = sqrt(81+144+64)#

#color(white)(||<9, 12, 8>||) = sqrt(289)#

#color(white)(||<9, 12, 8>||) = 17#

that is:

#< 9/17, 12/17, 8/17 >#

This normal vector will intersect the unit sphere at the point:

#(9/17, 12/17, 8/17)#

This point will be the intersection of the plane and the unit sphere if the plane just touches the unit sphere - that is when #k# takes its maximum value.

Then we find:

#9x+12y+8z = 9(9/17)+12(12/17)+8(8/17)#

#color(white)(9x+12y+8z) = (9^2+12^2+8^2)/17 = 289/17 = 17#