Two objects have equal mass and are 1 meter away from each other. How much mass must each mass have to exert an interactive force of 1 N?

1 Answer
Apr 12, 2018

122406 kg = 135 US tons


Recall Newton's law of gravitation.

#F_i = (Gm_1m_2)/r^2#

And since #m_1 = m_2#, we can simply say

#F_i = (Gm_1^2)/r^2#

The radius is the distance between the two objects, and #F_i# is the desired interactive force.

#1 = (Gm_1^2)/1^2#

#1 = Gm_1^2#

Using #G# as the universal gravitational constant, or #6.67408 xx 10^-11 m^3kg#, you should get that #m_1 = 122406.4 kg#

This is approximately equal to #135# american tons.

Hopefully this helps!