What are all the intersections of the graphs r=sin2theta and r=sin3theta?

What are all of the intersections of the graphs #r=sin2theta and r=sin3theta# ?

Redirected from "How do you know a limit does not exist?"
1 Answer
Apr 28, 2018

Solution for #theta# are given by #theta=(2n+1)pi/5# or #theta=2npi#, where #n# is an integer. Polar coordinates of solution are #{(0,0),(0.951,pi/5),(-0.588,(3pi)/5),(0,pi),(0.588,(7pi)/5),),(-0.951,(9pi)/5),(0,2pi)}#


Intersection of graphs of #r=sin2theta# and #r=sin3theta# will be there where


or #sin3theta-sin2theta=0#

or #2cos((3theta+2theta)/2)sin((3theta-2theta)/2)=0#

or #2cos((5theta)/2)sin(theta/2)=0#

i.e. either #(5theta)/2=(2n+1)pi/2# i.e. #theta=(2n+1)pi/5#

or #theta/2=npi# i.e. #theta=2npi#, where #n# is an integer.

In the interval #[0^@,360^@]#, solutions are #{0^@,36^@,108^@,180^@,252^@,324^@,360^@}#. In radians they are #{0,pi/5,(3pi)/5,pi,(7pi)/5,(9pi)/5,2pi}#

and putting this in #r=sin2theta# or #r=sin3theta#, corresponding values of #r# are #[0,0.951,-0.588,0,0.588,-0.951,0}#

and polar coordinates of solution are #{(0,0),(0.951,pi/5),(-0.588,(3pi)/5),(0,pi),(0.588,(7pi)/5),),(-0.951,(9pi)/5),(0,2pi)}#

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