What are invertible functions? plz explain.

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1 Answer
Mar 26, 2018

See explanation...


There are at least two things implied by the assertion:

"#f(x)# is invertible function #AA x in [1, 5]#"

  • #f(x)# is a function with domain including all of the real interval #[1, 5]#

  • For any #x_1, x_2 in [1, 5]# we have #f(x_1) = f(x_2) => x_1 = x_2#. In other words, #f(x)# is one to one.

Considered as a function on the domain #[1, 5]#, there is an inverse function #g(x)# on the range of #f(x)#, such that:

#g(f(x)) = x" "# for all #x in [1, 5]#

#f(g(x)) = x" "# for all #x in f("["1, 5"]")#

We are not told anything about the behaviour of #f(x)# outside of this interval. For example, it could be undefined or not one to one.

For the purposes of the rest of the question we do not care.


#g(3) = 1# and #g(6) = 5#

we can deduce:

#f(1) = 3# and #f(5) = 6#

If the question is correct - which I am not sure - then we can find which multiple choice option is correct by using a linear function for #f(x)# satisfying the conditions.


#f(x) = 3/4(x-1)+3 = 3/4x+9/4#

#g(x) = 4/3(x-3)+1 = 4/3x-3#

Integrate each one the given intervals and add to find the answer.

I think the question is flawed in at least a couple of ways:

  • The integration limits for #g(x)# should be #color(red)(3)# and #6#, not #5# and #6#.

  • Some extra conditions on the functions are required to make them integrable. For example, we could specify that #f(x)# is continuous.

With the question corrected, the answer I would expect would be the sum of the areas of three rectangles:

  • Vertices #(1, 0), (5, 0), (5, 3), (1, 3)# with area #4*3 = 12#

  • Vertices #(1, 3), (5, 3), (5, 6), (1, 6)# with area #4*3 = 12#

  • Vertices #(0, 3), (1, 3), (1, 6), (0, 6)# with area #1*3 = 3#

So, total #12+12+3 = 27#, i.e. option 2)