What is the GCF of 225 and 315?
2 Answers
List the factors of
You could also do it by realising that the GCF of
In most cases we should be able to find the GCF fairly easily by just knowing the multiplication tables up to 12 x 12. Sometimes a bigger number might be included which we do not know well. This is just such a case.
It is obvious that 5 is a common factor, but without some working we cannot decide on a bigger factor.
You might recognise
In order to find the GCF (and the LCM) write each number as the product of its prime factors.
From this it is very clear that the common factors are 3x3 x5.
If we needed the LCM as well it can be calculated easily from this format:
Include each column of factors, do not count factors that are in the same column twice.