What is the mandelbrot set?

1 Answer
Jun 23, 2017

See explanation...


For any complex number #c#, define the function:

#f_c(x) = x^2+c#

Consider the sequence formed by repeatedly applying #f_c#, starting from #0#...

#0#, #f_c(0)#, #f_c(f_c(0))#, #f_c(f_c(f_c(0)))#,...

If the sequence is bounded, then #c# is in the Mandelbrot set, otherwise it isn't.

When generating an image of the Mandelbrot set on a computer, the test for boundedness is usually crossing a circle of some radius like #2# in the complex plane, and the colour of a pixel is based on how many iterations it takes for the sequence for the corresponding complex number to cross the circle.

enter image source here

[Image generated using fraqtive]

In this image, the black portion represents the actual Mandelbrot set.