What is the % of carbon in the hydrocarbon, if #2.20 g# of #"CO"_2# is formed by complete combustion of #1.50 g# of a hydrocarbon? ( C= 12, O= 16, H= 1) (#M_r# of hydrocarbon is=60)

a) #12/44* 2.20/1.5 *100 #

b) #2.20/12*44*100/1.5#



1 Answer
Feb 7, 2018

Can be solved partially


First we need to find the number of moles of hydrocarbon and carbon dioxide.



The mole ratio of the hydrocarbon to the carbon dioxide is #1:2#, so this gives us a reaction of:

Since we have two carbons on the right hand side, we need 2 carbons on the left hand side.


Our hydrocarbon has a formula of #"C"_2"H"_b#, however, the highest value for #b# is #6#, which gives an #M_r# of #30#.

This could mean an error in the question where the #M_r# is meant to be 30, or the mass used being #0.75g#