Radiative Acceleration of Matter and Pressure Astrophysics Radiative Transfer in Stars Radiative Acceleration of Matter and Pressure Questions Given the following, what is the net force on the particle? What is the acceleration of the particle? How long will it take to strike one of the plates? The acceleration of a particle traveling along a straight line is a = (8-2s) m/s^sa=(8−2s)mss, where ss is in meters. How do you determine the position of the particle when the velocity is maximum? How do you find the magnitude of the acceleration of the particle? If a particle moves according to the equation s = t3 – 6t2 + 9t – 5, how do you find the acceleration when the velocity is 0 (s is in cm).? A region of the galaxy where new stars are forming-contains a very tenuous gas with 100 a t oms /cm^3. This gas is heated to 7500 K by ultraviolet radiation from nearby stars. What is the Gas Pressure in ATM? A nebula's a region of the galaxy where new stars are forming contains a very tenuous gas with 128 a t o m s/cm^3. This gas is heated to 7459 K by ultraviolet radiation from nearby stars. What is the gas pressure? Radiative Transfer in Stars View all chapters Radiative Opacities and Matter-Radiation Specific Intensity and Radiative Moments Radiative Transfer Equation Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium Radiative Equilibrium Roseland and Other Mean Opacities Schwarzschild-Milne Equations Radiative Acceleration of Matter and Pressure Prev