How do you determine if the series the converges conditionally, absolutely or diverges given Sigma (-1)^(n+1)/sqrtn from [1,oo)?

1 Answer
Dec 27, 2016

sum_(n=1)^oo (-1)^(n+1)/sqrt(n) is convergent but not absolutely convergent.


To determine if:

sum_(n=1)^oo (-1)^(n+1)/sqrt(n)

we can use use Leibniz' test, which states that a sufficient condition for an alternating series:

sum_(n=1)^oo (-1)^(n)a_n

to converge, is that the succession {a_n} is decreasing and convergent to zero. In our case:

(i) lim_n 1/sqrt(n) = 0
(ii) a_(n+1)/a_n = (1/sqrt(n+1))/(1/sqrt(n))=sqrt(n/(n+1)) < 1

so the both conditions are met and the series is convergent.

We can also conclude that the series is not absolutely convergent, by direct comparison, since for any n:

1/sqrt(n) >= 1/n


sum_(n=1)^oo 1/n =oo