How do you test the alternating series Sigma (-1)^n/(ln(lnn)) from n is [3,oo) for convergence?

1 Answer
Jun 8, 2018

The series:

sum_(n=3)^oo (-1)^n/ln(lnn)

is convergent.


We have that:

lim_(n->oo) 1/ ln(ln(n)) = 0

Consider the function:

f(x) = 1/ln(ln(x))


f'(x) = -1/(ln(lnx))^2 1/lnx 1/x < 0 for x > 1

the function is strictly decreasing in [1,+oo) and thus:

1/ln(ln(n+1)) < 1/ln(ln(n))

thus the series:

sum_(n=3)^oo (-1)^n/ln(lnn)

is convergent based on Leibniz' theorem.