If limit of #f(x)=2# and #g(x)=3# as #x->c#, what the limit of #f(x)/g(x)# as #x->c#? Calculus Limits Determining Limits Algebraically 1 Answer Ratnaker Mehta May 29, 2018 # 2/3#. Explanation: We know that, #lim_(x to c) (f(x))/(g(x))={lim_(x to c)f(x)}/{lim_(x to c)g(x)}#, provided that, #lim_(x to c)g(x)!=0#. Given that, #lim_(x to c) f(x)=2 and lim_(x toc) g(x)=3!=0#, #"The reqd. Lim"=2/3#. Answer link Related questions How do you find the limit #lim_(x->5)(x^2-6x+5)/(x^2-25)# ? How do you find the limit #lim_(x->3^+)|3-x|/(x^2-2x-3)# ? How do you find the limit #lim_(x->4)(x^3-64)/(x^2-8x+16)# ? How do you find the limit #lim_(x->2)(x^2+x-6)/(x-2)# ? How do you find the limit #lim_(x->-4)(x^2+5x+4)/(x^2+3x-4)# ? How do you find the limit #lim_(t->-3)(t^2-9)/(2t^2+7t+3)# ? How do you find the limit #lim_(h->0)((4+h)^2-16)/h# ? How do you find the limit #lim_(h->0)((2+h)^3-8)/h# ? How do you find the limit #lim_(x->9)(9-x)/(3-sqrt(x))# ? How do you find the limit #lim_(h->0)(sqrt(1+h)-1)/h# ? See all questions in Determining Limits Algebraically Impact of this question 4437 views around the world You can reuse this answer Creative Commons License