Direct Comparison Test for Convergence of an Infinite Series
Key Questions
By Comparison Test, we can conclude that the series
sum_{n=1}^infty{9^n}/{3+10^n}∞∑n=19n3+10n converges.Let us look at some details.
For alln geq 1n≥1 ,
9^n/{3+10^n} leq 9^n/10^n=(9/10)^n9n3+10n≤9n10n=(910)n By Geometric Series Test,
sum_{n=1}^infty(9/10)^n∞∑n=1(910)n converges since|r|=9/10<1|r|=910<1 Hence, by Comparison Test,
sum_{n=1}^infty{9^n}/{3+10^n}∞∑n=19n3+10n also converges. -
If an improper integral diverges, then we probably do not want to wast time trying to find its value.
Let us assume that we already know:
int_1^infty1/x dx=infty∫∞11xdx=∞ Let us look examine this uglier improper integral.
int_1^infty{4x^2+5x+8}/{3x^3-x-1} dx∫∞14x2+5x+83x3−x−1dx By making the numerator smaller and the denominator bigger,
{4x^2+5x+8}/{3x^3-x-1} ge {3x^2}/{3x^3}=1/x4x2+5x+83x3−x−1≥3x23x3=1x By Comparison Test, we may conclude that
int_1^infty{4x^2+5x+8}/{3x^3-x-1} dx∫∞14x2+5x+83x3−x−1dx diverges.(Intuitively, if the smaller integral diverges, then the larger one has no chance to converge.)
I hope that this was helpful.
If you are trying determine the conergence of
sum{a_n}∑{an} , then you can compare withsum b_n∑bn whose convergence is known.If
0 leq a_n leq b_n0≤an≤bn andsum b_n∑bn converges, thensum a_n∑an also converges.
Ifa_n geq b_n geq 0an≥bn≥0 andsum b_n∑bn diverges, thensum a_n∑an also diverges.This test is very intuitive since all it is saying is that if the larger series comverges, then the smaller series also converges, and if the smaller series diverges, then the larger series diverges.
Tests of Convergence / Divergence
Geometric Series
Nth Term Test for Divergence of an Infinite Series
Direct Comparison Test for Convergence of an Infinite Series
Ratio Test for Convergence of an Infinite Series
Integral Test for Convergence of an Infinite Series
Limit Comparison Test for Convergence of an Infinite Series
Alternating Series Test (Leibniz's Theorem) for Convergence of an Infinite Series
Infinite Sequences
Root Test for for Convergence of an Infinite Series
Infinite Series
Strategies to Test an Infinite Series for Convergence
Harmonic Series
Indeterminate Forms and de L'hospital's Rule
Partial Sums of Infinite Series